"Working together for the good of all"
I am proud to welcome you to St. Michael’s, a school built on strong Christian foundations where every child is valued, nurtured, and encouraged to thrive.
Our mission: St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.
Our vision: We serve our community through the values of humility, gentleness, and compassion, creating a place where every child can flourish academically, personally and spiritually guided by God's wisdom and love.'
To help our children understand and live out this vision every day, we have created three school values:
Love – Showing kindness, respect, and care for one another, as God loves us.
Serve – Following Jesus’ example by putting others before ourselves and making a difference.
Grow – Striving to improve in all we do—academically, personally, and spiritually.
These values are at the heart of our school, shaping not just how we learn but how we treat one another. They remind us that education is about more than just results—it’s about developing children who are thoughtful, resilient, and ready to make a positive impact in the world, guided by the enduring wisdom of 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV): ”…your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Our school motto, “Working together for the good of all,” reflects the strong sense of community we have at St. Michael’s. Education is a shared journey, and I truly believe that when school and home work together, we can give our children the best possible foundation for their future.
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” – Proverbs 22:16
Equally important is our close relationship with St. Michael’s Church and their wonderful clergy team. Their guidance, support, and shared times of worship help to strengthen our Christian ethos, ensuring that faith is not just something we talk about but something we live each day. Through this partnership, our children grow in faith, kindness, and understanding, deepening their sense of belonging and purpose.
We are also incredibly grateful for our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) — a dedicated group of parents who play a vital role in our school community. Their enthusiasm and hard work help to bring families together, create memorable experiences for our children, and provide valuable support to the school. Their contributions make a real difference, and we deeply appreciate all they do to enrich life at St. Michael’s.
If you’re new to St. Michael’s, I encourage you to explore our website and see what makes our school such a special place. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch—I’d love to welcome you to our community. To arrange a visit, please call us at 020 8874 7786 or email
We look forward to welcoming you.
Best wishes
Angela Harris
Social Media
Please do check out our social media platform where you will be able to regularly see what is taking place with school activities, local community events and lots of lovely pictures and videos from the school.
If you are looking for us online, our social media handle for Facebook is @StMikesCoE
Please note the following:
As a school we value the quality of a healthy work-life balance.
If an email is received outside our standard working hours of 8am-5pm please do not expect an immediate response.
Requests for paper copies
Please note that if a parent/carer of a pupil at our school requests a paper copy of the information on our school’s website, we will provide this free of charge. A cost may be incurred if not a parent/carer of a pupil in our school.
Contact us
All enquiries and queries should be sent for the attention of Caroline Jopp at
If you wish to contact the Headteacher please use the above address marking it clearly 'For the attention of the Headteacher'
Admissions enquiries to Caroline Turner at
Enquiries for our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) to Jenni Constable at
Parents of current pupils - If you wish to contact your child's class teacher directly use the member of staff's first initial followed by their surname
Please make sure you cc
All Safeguarding Concerns should be sent to
St Michael's CE Primary School, Granville Road, Southfields, London, SW18 5SQ
Telephone: 020 8874 7786
We are working with School Space to hire out areas of the school for events, clubs and holiday camps. Please see the link below for the spaces available and how to book